New Focus

I'm now mostly a retired meteorologist but still love to watch Utah weather. I will continue to update the Utah weather cams and Utah weather links pages and occasionally post Utah weather related information. I'm spending more time enjoying Utah snow skiing, cycling, hiking, and water skiing.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Record heat in Salt Lake City?

Here we go again with more record heat for the official Salt Lake City airport (KSLC) observation location. Salt Lake City is setting record heat at a much faster rate than other locations in Utah for the reasons below.

The current airport location has undergone significant changes in ground cover since it was installed in 2011. In September 2011 (see below image) it was a grassy/weedy area with less pavement/buildings around, the observation site now (see May 2023 image below) is surrounded by dirt/gravel with more buildings/pavement encroaching on the site. Nothing can be done to eliminate the urban heat island effect which is one reason for the warmer temperatures. The second and likely bigger reason for the warming temperatures is the change in ground cover directly around KSLC which something could be done about.

For how 2 meter temperatures are affected by ground cover check out this article that includes a comparison (article 3.2) of the 2 meter air temperatures on 15 calm, sunny, dry days. The study looked at the air temperature difference over three different surface types including asphalt/concrete, soil, & grass. This study can directly relate (but not as dramatic) to what is going on at KSLC on sunny light wind days with the change in ground cover around the station changing from a weedy/grassy area to dirt/gravel area.

*Of note is the official observation site was located in downtown Salt Lake City until 1928 before being moved to the airport. The airport location was then moved in 2011 to the current location in the image above.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Alta ski season snowfall record!

The Alta ski season (October 1st-April 30th) snowfall record of 748" from the 1981-1982 season has been destroyed and replace by 903" from the 2022-2023 season! This record is from the Alta Collins study plot at 9662' in elevation.

*According to the Western Region Climate Center the maximum winter (October 1st- September 30th) snowfall record for the town of Alta is 846.8" during the 1982-1983 season, we need to wait until September 30th to see if that record will be broken as well. 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Utah Snow Water Equivalent is 214% of Normal

Here is today's Utah statewide snow water equivalent (30.0" which is a record) chart and basin map which might be the peak for the year.